FREE January Resolution Revolution Calendar
Free Downloadable Change Tracker
January is finally here, and so is our My Viva Plan revolution! This new year, trade in your resolution for a lifestyle revolution. We want to empower you to reach your goals, live the life you dream, and ditch the diets.
Our New Year’s Resolutions often focus on a big change that is usually unsustainable, and usually come from a negative mindset. It’s unrealistic to expect yourself to quit sugar, or instantly “become healthier.” Sustainable change starts with small steps, which is what inspired this free, easy-to-use downloadable January calendar!
Small but powerful changes lie at the heart of what we at Revive Wellness do. It doesn’t matter where we’re at–we can always take another step forward. Our team will be engaging in this revolution actively on Revive Wellness and My Viva Plan social media, so join us and become part of the revolution movement on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
Download the Revolution Calendar Now