Make the Most of Winter in Edmonton with Your Partner
During these cold winter months it’s tempting to shutter the windows, lock the doors and get cozy in front of the fireplace with your significant other. But it’s important to spend time together outside of the house, especially with Valentine’s Day coming up! Here are some great ways for you and your partner to get out and spend time together:
Ice Castles
Edmonton’s Ice Castles are a sight to see! Towering walls of ice and snow illuminated by colourful lights make for a magical experience right in the heart of Edmonton at Hawrelak Park. In their second year in Edmonton the Ice Castles have proven to be a popular attraction so make sure to buy tickets in advance. If you’ve gone before try going at a different time of the day – it’s a different, but equally magnificent experience day or night.
Ice Skating
Hawrelak Park is also home to one of Edmonton’s largest ice skating surfaces. Skates can be rented from the pavilion conveniently located next to the frozen pond. The pond encompasses several islands and skaters can feel like they are out in the wilderness rather than in the middle of a city! Only a few kilometres away is another large skating surface, the Victoria Park Oval. The Oval hosts speed skating practices and is flooded daily to keep the ice in pristine condition. Attached to the Oval is the IceWay Winter Skating Trail, a narrow path of ice that winds through Victoria Park. Skating is a great way to get some exercise while spending time with your partner.
Window Shopping
With one of the world’s largest malls, West Edmonton Mall, Edmontonians have a rare resource at their disposal. Where else can you avoid the weather for hours at a time by simply going for a walk in a mall? Window shopping is a great way to make use of any mall – you don’t have to buy anything to enjoy yourself, just browse or people-watch and conversation will spring up naturally.
By Derek Schutz, Public Relations Coordinator